Highlander News

Chairman's Statement Regarding SRU Ruling

Written by Stags Rugby | Jul 4, 2024 4:59:20 AM


Chairman's Statement regarding the SRU ruling.

After the game against Norths on Saturday the 22nd June, Gordon Rugby Club was given notice that it had breached the player clearance policy of World Rugby/ Rugby Australia and SRU Ops Manual requirements.

Ola Tauelangi who has been a player for Gordon Rugby Club for four years, a member of the 2020 premiership team and a Moana Pasifika player entered the field against Norths at the 52 min mark without clearance from the International Union.

The player had a clearance from the Moana Pasifika team but NOT a clearance from an International Union as required. Frustratingly we received clearance for him to play on Monday morning after the game.

Despite pleading our case to the NSWRU and requests for leniency Gordon Rugby Club has been penalised two First Grade points, 30 Club Championship points, and a $100 fine.  

We are disappointed by this ruling given the facts of the matter and the technical nature of SRU’s finding but nevertheless we accept its penalty.

Publicly the Club has recognised it was in the wrong and that this mistake should not reflect on Ola, the coaches and managers who were unaware that we had not received the necessary clearance.

Matthew Glascott
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